
Shabbat Services are like snowflakes – no two are the same!

“Shabbat is a time to rest, to pray, to play…a time to be with the people we love.” -from “Gates of Prayer for Young People”.

Temple Emanuel Sinai offers a range of inspiring Shabbat services and study experiences to meet the needs of our congregants and guests, from the very young to the young-at-heart. We encourage you to participate fully in worship with us. We care deeply about the spiritual well-being of everyone in our community, and offer prayer experiences to guide and sustain you.

Shabbat Evening Services

Friday evenings at 6:30pm.  Most Friday night services include a d’var Torah from Rabbi Valerie. A full Torah service is scheduled at least twice a month. Please consult the weekly eNews email for more details including changes in schedule.

Led by Rabbi Valerie, there are a variety of Shabbat worship experiences each month. Musical selections are drawn from a full range of liturgical music – from classic arrangements to contemporary melodies that anyone who had a Jewish summer camp experience will likely know! We also have guest accompanists, as well as guest soloists.

Shabbat Morning Services

Morning services are at 9:00am with our Religious School at the Jewish Community Center.

Mi Shebeirach

Each week during Shabbat services our clergy read the names of people who are in need of healing: physical, emotional or spiritual. Rabbi Valerie also invites those present in the sanctuary to add a name aloud, but we can always choose to hold those names silently in our hearts. We then sing the Mi Shebeirach together, as composed by Debbie Friedman.

Add a name to the Mi Shebeirach List


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