Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Friday evenings at 6:30 PM at Temple Emanuel Sinai and are live streamed online.
Shabbat Morning Service
Saturdays at 9:00 AM with Religious School, Worcester JCC 633 Salisbury Street Note: only held when Religious School is in session.
**All B’nai Mitzvah are held at 10:30 AM, at Temple Emanuel Sinai
Torah Study
Saturday mornings at 10:30 AM at Temple Emanuel Sinai and on Zoom (consult eNews for link).
Mondays at 5:45 PM on Zoom (consult eNews for link) and are live streamed online.
If you are interested in leading a Monday Minyan service on Zoom please contact the office at 508-755-1257 or email us at A training session will be provided upon request.
Watch streaming events and services live on the website!
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