Shalom from the Worship Committee!
Once again, members of our congregation made services more meaningful by participating and being a part of the Worship experience. Ways to participate include candle blessing, kiddush, an English reading, Torah blessings, Torah readings, sponsoring an oneg, or helping out as a greeter. Participating in these honors is a meaningful way to acknowledge the yahrzeit of a loved one or to celebrate a simcha in your life such as a birthday, anniversary or other milestone or special occasion. If anyone would like to participate in a service, please contact us at
In August we continued to have the Summer Institute and would like to once again thank the Lifelong Learning Committee for organizing this event and inviting speakers from non-profit organizations throughout the city. Thanks also to the members who participated and shared their stories working with these important organizations.
The following members are contributed to service in August, and we appreciate their time and effort:
- Margot Barnet and David Coyne
- Paula Selvitella
- Helene Freed
- Don & Patty Jacobs
- David and Marlene Persky
- Karen Kagan
- Dan Margolis
- Debbie Bunker
- Patti Gould
- Germán Chiriboga
- Felicetti Family
Thanks to each of you for completing these honors and helping to enhance our services and strengthening our community.